![]() |
Dear Santa claus. I am being a good girl this year |
hello Santa for Christmas I would like lots of things also would like Tickets to KISS Suzi Quatro KISS and Dolly Parton I would like rock music CDS and DVDS even Country Music CDS and DVDS too. I even want Foreigner also Bruce Springsteen and I also would like on DVD Steve Irwin Wildlife warriors DVD Bindi's boot camp I also would like some Australia Zoo things and lots of other gifts too please send an email from Rhiannon |
hi santa call me, i what a kelndle breanna |
Hi I love you Rod |
Dear, Santa I've been a really good girl this year and I all I want is an electric guitar. "But she doesn't know how to play yet" you may thought but even though I don't know how I'll learn I'll practice Everyday! Love, |
i love christmas because it is only one of the holidays that i get to see my favorite holiday Live Laugh Love |
Dear Santa,This year I would like a soccer ball,legos,Mrs.Piggle wiggle books,wierd school series,"The Sweetest Fig","The Wretched Stone", "Ben's Dream"(Chris Van Alsburg books) medium sized monster truck(Grave digger) Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Love, |
can you plese come to my house tait |
hi ashlyn |
hi, santa 'how are you see on raindeer cam you feed the raindeer love seeing you there.so yestorday my friend zoe had email me a picture of you and the one elf i do not now his name am my suppost to if i am tell me please, so now tell me your phone number please thanks Love, Megan |
come for my birthday parte in jan please brigt me a birthday gift from |
IPOD screen DEC 24 MONDAY 2012 Susan |
Dear Santa, What I would like for Christmas is the brand new iPod touch. I want the pink one and I would like it to have 64 gb. I am 12 years old now and that is all I want for Christmas. Yours truly, |
I would like a spell book, iphone 5 or ipod, magic shoes that would make me fly and run super fast, magic flying broom, my name is Amin and I am 10 years old and wake me up on christmas eve so I can ride with you around the world. Thanks Amin |
Dear Santa, Christine ------------------- Christine: Your thoughts and words are very humbling. They are a great reminder to me, always, why I began, and why I continue to do what I do. For those of us in the realm of the North Pole the magic is very real. It is not some fanciful hocus-pocus, but a real magic, manifest in and through the Spirit of Christmas. Santa Claus, aka, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Sinter Klaas, Papa Noel, Babbo Natale, Saint Nikolaus, De Kerstman, and other names are among the many given to the Spirit of Christmas manifest, around the world and across time, on into the future. Santa |
Santa, I would like a present for all of us. from, |
are you real santa? do you really have raindeer that can fly? alexis |
santa i have been good love tripp |
Love you i am your hero cameron |
love you santa Kathy |
Dear santa claus,hi my name is Ean. I want you to know That I am you're friend. You're Friend. Ean PS. Do you have Skype |
santa write back susan |
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I would like a new snow globe for Christmas. A new bike seat because my dog Mack ate mine. I would also like a new bracelet making set. Thank you for everything I got last year and have good Christmas Santa. Love Laci |
Dear Santa, P.S Can I please have a Justin Bieber doll too. |
Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. I would like a punching bag, a jump rope, and an I pod. As well as some army toys and more snow globes please. Thank you for everything you got me last year. I would also like a leap pad and a lightening mcqueen learn to read and a new trick bike with front and back pegs. Love Luke |
hey santa Tripp |
dear santa, |
Dear Santa, I hope you have the best Christmas! I'm now 11years old.I wanted to ask you how is miss Claus,and the others doing?I also want to tell you my MERRY CHRISTMAS! love, |
I love santa and Hugo and my name is Catia |
'You're always here, in my heart' ----------------------------------------------- Jodie; There are 9 reindeer, including Rudolph. Their names are; Comet, Cupid, Donner (Donder in Europe), Blitzen, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen. Thank you so much because Rudolph LOVES carrots. Merry Christmas, |
My bother, James, said hi and hows the weather? I hope I've been good this year and one day I’d like to have a reedier and I’d call it Rudolph. ho ho ho merry Christmas! love Alana |
dear santa cannot read please call me i would like an ebook or a smart phone susan |
Hi Santa what's up how are you? I love the stuff you got me but can I have this Christmas or sooner I want 1995 barbie babies and pregnant barbie doll with all nursery stuff weird how I want it uh but I love barbie dolls. Think you can get it for me please try cause I can't find it any where. Laura ------------- Laura; |
Dear santa
from jodie -------------- Jodie; |
I meet you in Abingdon the summer before last. You gave to me a jingle bell ina small felt bag and a card with your pic on it. Can I plse have another card? I have lost mine. -Ryan |
i love you -Jacob |
I would like to get an early Christmas present early, i would like a mp3 player. Thank-You Deri |
I would like Baarbie toys and a computer....thanks Savannah |
please bring me an early christmas present, i would like a mp3 player early. thank-you dakota |
hi santa im anthony and i don't know if ur real i mean i believe in u a little im just not sure. but if u r real i want a ps3, spy gear, and a cool with alot of features sled. sincerely,anthony Sent from my iPod |
Dear Santa, All i want for Christmas is a new daisy flowered bike.we ll my old bike is to small and i really want a new one please write me back.write here .... P.S. MERRY CHRISTMAS YOUR NUMBER 1 LOVE YOU! |
hi santa.how many elves do you have?Do you have any kids? mckayla |
Dear santa all i want for Christmas is a Air hogs Hawk eye spy net slither Creepy raving crawlers rabbis travel in time Pendo Carnival d.s. and will Siege caster scooter Crazy cooking cotton candy maker Mario vs donkey kong mini land. Love, Gray P.S send back |
Santa Claus
Dear Santa, I have no one to play with me at home. Can you send my pen pal Marie the elf? Love, Kaylee |
Hello Santa, It is Iona here!!! How are you doing? I would love if you could bring me these presents!!!! DSI Bedcovers with lamp and one for the ceiling Thankyou so much for last years presents the were exellant!!!! I am sure you will enjoy the food and drink that i am going to give you and obvouisly the reindeer is well!!! So i am counting down the days till christmas!!!! Thankyou!!!! Bye bye! Iona |
Dear santa will you please get me some seweng for christmas for me to practise on and please will you leave one of your raindears names for me and there will be a carrot for your raindears and there will be a key for you to get in my house i hope you come From Jodie |
Hi Santa! I can't believe there are only 48 more days until Christmas! I've always wondered how do the reindeers fly? My name is Molly by the way and I am 9 yrs. old. I can't wait for Christmas! The top things I would like for Christmas are... 1. To have my family be happy and safe on Christmas. 2. Roller blades 3. Cicicobello Doll. Merry Christmas! xoxoxox -Molly |
I would like for people to love and care for all of Gods animals and the Earth. I would also like some feed for my horse, a paint ball gun and ... never mind with the stuff, just keep the magic coming! Thank you Santa for all the magic you put into our lives, you are way to cooool. Chipa from Georgia |
hi santa you now something I would love you bring my uncle jamie up for christmas with my cousin thomas and have a new train and how are the reindeer I bet there excited for christmas well byb from jared |
hi santa when you come i whant you to come tomorrow at 4:30 ok love you and where gone a talk about - well your gone a talk to my parints so i can have a dog for chritam this year only 89 more sleeps till you come love leigha by bye!!! |
hi santa love you can whait to see you kristian |
hello santa i love you i have a midland walkie talkie, thanks |
Dear Santa, 1/25/2010 Santa I love you so much I hope I can visit you. I will ask my mom if I can visit my Ant Jessica and maybe she might say yes and maybe my Ant Jessica might say yes to visit you and then I WILL BE SO HAPPY. love, Zoe |
dear santa i want a nice dog for chismas. I love you santa |
Hey its me josh I know ive not been so good if u could give me 1 last chance Josh; |
Hello Santa all I want for Christmas is the hello kitty teddy and the pink and black hello kitty dress from build a bear work shop :) |
Dear Santa , Thank u Santa p.s. r u and Mrs. clause doing well please write back at Liz |
What is you favorite type of cookie tha i can lay out for you tonight santa?
-jeffrey P.S merry christmas!!!! :) |
Hi Santa......please bring what you can.....thanks |
Dear santa claus, My name is alana and i would like rockband for playstation2 for christmas. That is all i want for christmas. Ive been really good in school so please that is all i want for christmas. Sincerly, Alana |
HI Santa Claus! I am Lina and I am from Bulgaria. I wish for X-mas doll baby. Merry X-mas and Happy New Year ! Lina |
Dear Santa, For Christmas can you make me a Kirsten American Girl Doll! Love, Keara |
hi im willow grace and my mommy tells me that im am a really good girl and this year i want a beautiful christmas dress and i have a question for you... what do you want for christmas? because it seems like you always give to everybody but never recive aything so what would you like for christmas?
love, Willow Grace |
I would like a skate bord. Tanya |
Hi Santa. How are you? How are Mrs. Claus , the reindeer and the elves? I am going to leave reindeer food. And I am leaving cookies and milk too. My top 5 things I want for Christmas are a Nintendo DS, Smack down vs. Raw 2010, the Blackberry Storm 2 cell phone, a laptop, and a digital camera. How many cookies should I leave for you? So tell Mrs. Claus, the elves, and the reindeer I said hi. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Please write back. Sincerely, Cameron |
Dear,santa hi Iwish that you willbring all the things thatt i won't. I want the worlds greatest barbie doll and I want a baby alive and i want a chuihiwa puppy dog.and a collar for my doll. Thats All I Want For Christmas Raeven |
Dear, Santa I was wondering if I was on the nice list and I was wondering that for Chritmas I want a photo album full of pictures with you and your elves and your reindeer and Mrs. Claus. I was also wondering that do you give rides in you r sleigh and do you give visits to the NorthPole. Also I want a Xbox 360 and Mrs. Clause and I would be glad if you asked Mrs. Claus to bake me a delicious chocolate chip cookie.
Don; S.C. |
From: Natalie To: Santa Clause A barbie guitar Barbie dolls Baby dolls A barbie house stuff for the barbie house kitchen etc. And more barbie dolls A barbie microphone Thank you! |
Dear Santa,
How is the North Pole? How are the reindeer doing? How many girl reindeers do you have? Tell the elfs hello and I hope they are doing good. What I want for Christmas is the American Girl doll Kirsten, and groovy girl dolls and furniture. I would also like a glass doll. Thank you. Love, Morgan |
Merry Christmas Jason |
I will be emailing you my wishlist for christmas this year not mail you a letter i have email so in nov 2009 i will send you my list |
To Santa this year |
Dear, Santa Claus I know you might not be happy with how I've been acting, but can you forgive me. Let's start over hi my name is Makenna. Somethings i might want are ... a sewing machine , a gourmet cupcake maker and the mix, DSI, cloth and thread, beads, LPS, ART, Argo glasses mp3/3g video media player, laptop, carpet skates , IPod , LG flip phone , hockey table, glitter lava, microphone and stereo just to name a few. I will try harder to be good. I can't wait till Christmas, Love, Makenna |
Santa my school had a funraiser and we have kitchen and home and then we have warping paper |
santa i love so much can yo make it snow here in floerce |
Santa I have two kittens now and I would like it if you bring them something there names are Trixe and Dixe |
Dear Santa I want to no if I have been good this year o I hope so and if I am can you pleas bring us a WII FROM KENDRA. PLEAS SEND SOMETHING BACK WHEN YOU CAN. |
dear Santa, merry 20th day after Christmas! there r only 3 things I want for my b-day. 1). I would like a cell phone 2). I would like to see u 3). I would like to see my elf or a picture of him love ya! Sophie |
dear santa, |
hi. how are you? love: JASMINE |
Dear Santa, |
Dear santa i love you in all my heart love zach |
Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? Is Mrs.Clause baking good food? I seen the video you sent my brother and sister. I don't know if you sent me one? I hope I've been a good girl? For Christmas I would like Hannah Mantana stuff, High School Musical stuff too ,but most of all Santa I would like a Bratz guitar and a Bratz moive called Girls Rock. Just to let you know I've never been heartbroken on Christmas day, but it's okay if you don't get me anything for Christmas. It's just not about gifts It's about spending time with family and having a great time with your family and have great Christmas Santa. Love Ashley |
Hi santa chloe here from carnoustie scoland i am 11 years old this year i would like a nintendo wii with dogs island game and a fish tank because my cat dusty got knocked down so i am not alowd another pet apart from fish: :) love chloe p.s please leave somthing for my dog robbie |
hi santa sea you tonight i love you and my teacher put on my report i am doing well at school merry christmas and a happy new year plese reply plese i am jade |
to santa could i please have a phne for christmas love u lots love taylor |
Dear santa i want a charge up mopad for christmas this year and a mp3 player from you, i cant wait for it.louve kailey. |
DEAR SANTA, How are you? Are you all ready for Christmas? Please could I have 2 guinea pigs ,a Lego house. from lucy |
My name is Jade.I am 3 years old and this is what i want for christmas this year i have been really good this year mommy says.I want a go diego go choo choo train i want princess kitchen set and a guitar. It would be really nice if i can get these 3 things fr christmas oh and lets not forget i wnat a go diego go labtop so i can have my own computer mom says i cant touch hers so maybe i can have my own /Love you Santa |
hi santa my name is austin i am 1 1/2 and for christmas i want a lego set and a go deigo go play set thanks santa love you |
dear santa, I want more coloring books, christmas cups, a toy nutcracker a toy megoldon books, |
hiya santa Leah |
HI Latea in Australia |
Hi Santa, (Reply) NO child is on Santa's naughty list all the time. Santa cares for, and loves all children. SC |
hi santa my names wade please wright me back |
Dear santa, I have been a really good girl this year. It would mean the world to me if you gave me every thing on my list i have never had a American girl doll before if you have not gotten a letter from Allison i would put my last name but you know who and witch Allison any way this is just a heads up on what it will have on there. thats all i had to say.! sincerely, |
Dear Santa, As you know (because you watch me every day) I'm in Fifth grade. I have not had the the time to come to the Mall and tell you what I want. I want a new gymnastics leo, I want a DS game called Energ gym rocet, I want clothes from Children's Place and Justice. If you do get me clothes I want Pink or purple no Green or Blue. I love purple and pink and I hate green and blue. I also want some Hannah Montana Bedroom stuff. The stuff that I saw that I want are a lamb, Hanpur, and comefurbur. Another thing I want is a bigger I-pod. I think mine is to small and I don't even know what song I'm going to hear next. I hope you don't have to put coal in any stockings. Have a very Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year. Happy Holidays Katharine |
to SANTA all I would like for christmas is some more christmas-lights for my daddy and for my mummy she would like a ticket to england |
Santa, I would like a PS3 for christmas. I have been awesome this year. Knahsahs |
hi santa my nane is bobbilyn i love you santa i want a ipod and a phone and a password journey and a babby phat earings and a baby phat bag for school thank-you love bobbilyn and thank-you |
Dear Santa, I hope everything is going well this year. My family and my new puppy, Frankie, are
really excited about Christmas this year. This year I don’t really want anything. I just hope
you send everybody a present this year, even to the kids whose parents can’t afford presents. |
dear santa i seen you today at the store i was so happy that i get to toke to you.ps i love you.from.elizabeth |
i love you gabriela |
It is me Boston, it would be really special to my heart if i could have a reindeer bell for Christmas. I would hold it close to my heart forever! LOVE BOSTON! |
Dear Santa,Could you please e.mail me an address where I could write to you through the U.S. Mail? Thank you for reading my e.mail. Jason Jason; If you address it to: Santa It will reach me. Santa |
dear santa this is William can you get me some snow shoes and a remotcontrol truck like you got levi last year and some new school clothes and a breath of fire III plastason 1 game pleaz and a race car track for levi and a webcan for shevet and get me and levi some thing to pleaz and a new tool set for dad and mom a coco set and neveh a lepfrog book and can you get me a new bicysicl and santa i love you and ill olwys beleving you and supriz us with more stuff pleaz
p.s. we'll leave cooies and milk out for you love you agin |
hi santa i heard my mommy say bratz scooters can break i would like a pink stylish scooter. Is that Ok with you and your elves
like Eric the Elf? My cousin heard about Eric the Elf. I want a DS for Christmas and I would like some bratz and baby bratz too.
I would like a wonderful cry girl baby that has a bottle and socks with shoes and a hat with some clothes and with some food and diapers. I promise to be good for my mom and dad, you should be good for your mom and dad too. Love, saige and my mommy too |
hi! you are the best! Do you like curly or straight fries? i love you but i read you werent real so please reply so i can get that wonderful feeling back! im not going to write a list or i might seem greedy. love ya! madison |
Hi Santa its claire I really want to know you phone number. Maybe you and one of your elfs could come to visit me. E-mail me back. P.S. i'd like you to take rudolph if you can come over. |
Greetings to you all! My name is Leann and I met you over the summer in Knoxville. You were so kind; my little boy, Porter, was begging for gum from the quarter machines outside PayLess Shoe store when you came along and offerred to lend him a quarter. Needless to say, Porter has never forgotten the day that Santa bought gum for him at the mall! I have not forgotten your kindness, nor the coversation that followed. My son Porter, who is now 4 years old, is a true "believer". I helped him write his letter this weekend. God Bless you for all you do for the children in our area, I know their hearts are filled with love for Santa. Thanks for keeping the magic alive! Merry Christmas, |
Dear Santa, |
Could you bring 1976 dirt bike and 2800 generator and a john dear gator David |
dear Santa Sent from my iPod |
dear santa my sister and i have been so good this year and we are going to school everyday and going to bed every night good for our mommy and daddy.. merry christmas santa my sister and i love you be carful on christmas eve please we will have lots of cokies and milk for you.. love my sister and i.. |
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year.Is it true your reindeer like red bell peper?All I want for Christmas is a ipod and a Kit Amarican Girl doll. Merry Christmas! Grace |
dear santa i realy realy want a horse i also want a black and brown weiner dog i also want a white sweat shirt with fur in the hood i also want money from all around the world i also want some clay i also want a food and water bowl for cassie and some treats for my puppys and i want a bibble i also want a cell phone and a guaitar i also want a wii with the game guaitar hero and the wii sports i also want my mommy to get a job at sunocko thats mostly want if theres anything else you want to throw in there go ahead can you wrap them for me or can you put a bow on the horse or the puppy if you get one for me please love mollie |
hi santa how are you? can i have your phon nomber?Can i talk to bif? on christmis well you plese wack me up and lrt me be your littl helper? |
Dear Santa Claus, Santa I love you, you rock love, |
Dear Santa, |
santa i want a pink phon,potty traned baby alive,2 games for wii,2 intendo games,cup cake maker. and that is what i what |
Dear santa, I have been a really good girl this year. It would mean the world to me if you gave me every thing on my list i have never had a American girl doll before if you have not gotten a letter from Allison i would put my last name but you know who and witch Allison any way this is just a heads up on what it will have on there. thats all i had to say.! sincerely, |
Hi santa I have been a good girl as much as i can be Can i have a red Nintendo ds and a 20” bike ( just to make sure you get the right size), clothes for my doll and a sam doll. Im looking forward to christmas- hope you and your reindeers are well. Take care flying. Anna 5 |
Dear Santa, How are you? I am fine. I dont care what you give me Love Peter |
Hi santa im morgan and i hope i was good this year.I
wish so much for christmas now.I was doing reaserch of you all day.even know it isnt even christmas yet, |
hi santa I want a flyerfly cell phone for cistmas. |
Dear Santa Claus,
I tried to be a good girl this year. for christmas, i want a bratz bedroom set and a hp laptop |
Merry Xmas Santa. As I have been a good girl this year. I would like to have a piece of nice and comfortable gym leotard. Thanks a lot. And I know reindeers are so cute I wonder how they look like and I am now 8!!! Hope I could meet you!!!! May god bless you Santa
Love: Celine |
I loved all the toys you brought me . thak you! |
I love you santa. I hope you come to my house. have a happy hoilday. p.s. lay off the cookies. |
Hi santa i have been a very good girl can you send me a surprise. love maureen x |
Hi Santa, so you are off on the big journey tonight - well good luck and please give Amy and Eleni lots of brillant pressents and maybe me! Well good luck BYE BYE! Becky |
Dear Saint Nick, It was great journey going down inside the lift in the mine to see you, that was my best part. I liked it down there. I like your chocolate and I loved looking for Rudolph. Please can Hugo have a transformer? Would you like some mince pies and a cookie and some milk? My daddy peeked and he saw one of your fairies when we went to see you. Thankyou for letting us come, I thought it was gonna be wet down there, but it was good fun. Will you please type back to me? Thankyou. Have a safe journey. Bye Bye. Love from all of maxwell's family, maxwell in England |
hi santa, say hi 2 Prancer & Rudolph for me would ya!and already said what i want for christmas so im alright! rachel |
dear Santa i love to see you have a merry chrismas giving presents have very nice lovley chrismas love seb |
Dear Santa Claus, I have been good for the whole year, for the most part. I have tried. I want a picture of Rudolph please, I want to see if his nose is really red. Also I would like a few things like, a dirtbike, ps3, Memory card for psp, and i would really like to have your phone number. So i can give you a jingle please. I would like it if you could give me comet. Love, Chris |
Hi Santa, I'm 11, But my friends are always telling me you are not real, but I will always believe in you. Can you please give me an I-pod, I wished for it every year and never goy it. So please reply!!!! Love, Baillie |
am i good or bad Haven; |
Santa what is your address? If you address your letter to: |
hi santa, |
dere santa, Stephanie |
Hi, Santa. May you sand for my brother and me a set of cars LIGHTING MAKVIN and a game of play station 2 Shrek 3, and a move. |
hello santa, if you could, i would like a pair of heelyes. the size is 7 1/2 to an 8 |
hi santa. how are you. i guess you are really bizzy ive been a bit good for mum and dad. they said if im really good now till christmas then may be you could bring me some thing nice . i would like some new cars. and motor bikes. a racing track and a battery operated motor brke like my friend adams thats all now. and mum said she will leave the key in the same place. ow and i will leave u a mince pie and some milk. thank you love adam london england xxx |
Santa, I have been very good this year. For Christmas, I would like my college tuition paid. Thanks! Caitlin |
Dear Santa, ---------------- Rebecca; No need for concern for arrival times, nor your puppy barking. Most animals already know Santa. They are most always very friendly. Dogs especially like to just watch him at his task, with a bit of twinkle in their eyes, sometimes hoping for a bite of cookie before Santa departs. (Santa never shares cookies containing chocolate with dogs, because he knows dogs should not eat chocolate) As for the Reindeer, some information is available from the Alaska Department of Fish & Game web site, here: http://www.adfg.state.ak.us/pubs/notebook/biggame/santasreindeer.php (Always remember Santa's Internet Rules For Children, listed above) |
Dear Santa Clause, --------------- In reply to your question: In his wonderful writing, "The Night Before Christmas," Clement Clarke Moore offered a wonderful poetic way to remember their names. He wrote: More rapid than eagles "Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! (In North America, many people have been taught 'Donder' as Donner, however 'Donder' is just glad you say hello, whatever you call him. Last, and far from least there is, of courst, Rudolph!) Thank you for asking, |
Dear Santa my name is shanel and i am 12 years old and i have been
so good this year that i need to be the angel on top of the Christmas
tree. the things that i want for Christmas are:
1) an ipod.
2) a sidkick 3 cell phone. 3)and a my scene doll |
how are you and mrs clause i realy hope your well and dandy to go accross the world on christmas eve | |
Shae | Alberta - Canada |
Dear Santa, |
Dear Santa, |
dear santa. hey my name is Kristie. For chrismas i would like a new computer cause mine barely works. and sometimes i need to do projects that include a computer. I would also like a north face coat for thee winter and a north face sweater as well. ooh and clothes!! because i really need for school. in pants im a size 0 in women and shirts?!im a size small. pleaseeee and thankk you!! sincerely kristie. |
Dear Santa, This year for christmas I would really love a build a bear Rudolph and Clarice as I love raindeers could they please be named Red and Clarce as from Mummy and Daddy I am hopping for a set to adpot a raindeer in Scotland called Red! My Daddy has stayed in the Artic Cirle for work but he didn't get to vist you and he is very sorry he had to eat raindeer! Thank you so much for my wonderful pressents last year my friends and I love playing with them! I hope you have a good journey and the raindeers are not too tried !Also please tell the raindeers I will leave out ten slices of carret and ten sugar cubes so they all get some!I will leave you out a mince pie and a can of drink too! I hope you have a good journey, P.S Please can my cats have a bell to play with and my dogs would like ham and my fish would love some prawn if that is ok!Purrs,Barks and bubbles love Lucy(me and my share her she is very naughty dog she might be on the naughty list) Jasper,Holly,Oliver,Lottie,Domino,Emrald and Cyrstal! |
Dear santa I’ve tried to be good.
Dear Santa, There isn't much I would like for Christmas ... here are just a few things: 1.) I ask for this every year, but I never get it - world peace, even if I have to loose out to provide for all of the 3rd world children, just so they can have a Christmas. I'm lucky, I never go short but other children do. I'd go short just so the other children who have to work to live because they have no parents could get a Christmas. 2.) I want to believe in you again. Personally, I don't think you are just a big fat huggable guy in a red suit, but I think you are a warm feeling in the chest of every person at Christmas. I've lost the feeling. The best Christmas present ever would be to get that feeling back. 3.) O.K, I'm going to be selfish now ... Could you please bring me a drum kit ... and some gothy gear and maybe some SlipKnot merchandise ... or some albums or just something ... nice. I know it may seem a little stupid for a 14-year-old girl to be writing to Jolly ol' St. Nick but I do believe in the Christmas Spirit, and you are it ... so technically I beehive in you. Lots of love, your friend Marquita |
merry christmas santa !!!!!!!! thank you for what you brought me!!!!!! i love all of them sincerely, Abraham |
Dear Santa; Hi how are you and Mrs. clause? The Elves? This is Windi. Please stay healthy and don't catch cold. Hope you have a Mala Keliki Moka and a maka hiki ho. Thats Hawaiin for Merry Christmas amd have a happy new year. I would love to have a sponsor for my gymnastics since it is so expensive, so I can keep going. i want to get a scholarship for college. Thank you travel safe! Windi |
to santa taq for my prezants xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love leah |
Dear Santa, This year can I PLEASE!!!! have my best friend to stay my friend for all eternity and we can have twin dolls. Near my tree I will have a present for you. LOVE, Emily |
Dear Santa I was wondering what you and Mrs Claus would like for christmas. I was also wondering how many children are on the earth. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! LOVE KAYCEE |
dear Santa my friend and I were wondering if you pronounce one of your reindeers names Donner or Donder.
and Have a very Merry Christmas |
Dear santa i would like a good home for all the nice animals out there that are in rehab.And the animals in the pound. |
hi santa i have been a good girl ,hope all your raindeers are good and i wouldn't like much but my family and friends, and a portable dvd player |
Dear Santa for Christmas I want my Grandma to have her dog, Cookie, back. She has been lost for 3 days. I think she would like that. Please dont forget. This is my Christmas wish. I also want a video. |
Hello Santa, I have sent my list of all the presents i would like, cant wait to see you, please look after the raindeers especialy Rudolph Lots of love Leah |
Dear Santa; Did Rudolph leave his paw print at the Village Toy shop? I would just like to have a perfect Christmas with my family. Love, Mya |
Santa please don't forget to come to our house. We have been very good this year. Sierra and Dalton |
hello how are you i want your screen saver |
Dear Santa; I want a cellpone and a bratz poster and a IPOD and i hope your reindeer rudolph will have some freinds and also one of your bells on your sleigh. love , Hannah |
dear Santa merry chritsmas |
DO not forget to come to my house. love,zach |
Dear santa, your reindeers are great especially Rudolph the red nose
reindeer for christmas I
want a remote truck |
Dear Santa, Ive been a good girl this year . my name is Annabella, I would like a dora taliking doll, and please bring my mom a new baby. love you santa !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annabella - from pa. |
Please write back santa from matthew |
hi santa i want a dog for christmas and i want a sew mushe and i hope bring that i want for christmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i want a princeness cloth for my dog small cloth ps i,ve been a good girl love brittane |
Dear santa my name is matthew here is my wesh list ipod xbox360 nife airplane snowbord dertbike pop remotcantroldrobot |
dear santa i want 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 pounds on Christmas from hanna |
I want Brian to be my boyfriend, it could be a great Xmas gift! Thanks Santa. |
Hi Santa, I hope you have a good time going to all the houses and don't forget to tell Rudolf to shine his nose bright! love Samiran |
dearsantaclauseaywishyouamericrismasaywilllevoutsomemilkandabiscit |
Dear Santa, This is Christian. Could you please bring me my game cube from my house because I am not able to go home right now to get it . My family had to move to Mexico because the United states will not let my father be there . Could you also send me more games for my game cube because all my other games are broken. also i need my bike to but could you fix it first because it is missing a piece. Maybe you can also help my family to get back home we really want to be in our home. One more thing I would like a dvd player so my family and I can watch movies. Yours truly, Christian, Mexico |
Hi Santa, my name is Imagine. I live in Michigan. I have been a very good girl in school and at home for Mom and Dad. Please bring me a special gift this year. I would like Peace on Earth. Is this possible Santa? love:Imagine |
Hi Santa, I gonna do my best to be good this year and I hope I get most of my presents this year. I hope my friends in England have a good time even though I am not there to have fun with them. I hope you have a good Christmas too!! love Priyana |
Dear Santa, I can't wait until Christmas. The only thing that I realy wan't for Chrismas are some realy good books and some art supplies. Claire |
hi santa im natalie and i want a dollys pram thank you |
Dear Santa, can I please have a Tamagotchi for xmas. Does Blitzen exist? If he does who are his parents? Love, Audrey |
Dear santa im jordan and would love to get pirate stuff |
hi santa its me saskia i love you get aim mail me back whens my BRITHDAY |
Dear Santa I am writing to say I would like for Christmas the Polar Express game. I hope you and the reindeers have a good Christmas. >From Tom |
dear santa can i get a four willer and barby and 5$ my sistter would doll houes and a tea set my baby borther what my dog boxer to came home and a rest car my big bother what cars mail from u$$$$$$$ pig back we love you ana, lori, aj, matthew |
Dear Santa, Hi this is Michael. I would like a cd player, movies, and a xbox 360. I also want a bike. I hope it is not to cold there in the northpole. Thank You, Michael, Mexico |
Hi Santa, These are three things I want for Christmas. A paintball gun, real live puppy and Spy Video Car. Those are all the things I want for Cristmas. By the way how is the North Pole? Hope you have a safe trip on Christmas Eve. Your friend, Mason |
Dear Santa, My name is Chris and I want toys for Christmas. I want a motorcycle, basketball, football, soccer ball, and I want tickets to a basketball game. Thank you Santa. |
Hi Santa Claus ,I am Jessie i am 4 and my sister is 3 her name is Corina . I am already going to school to kinder and i have learn a lots of things , for this Christmas , I am hoping to get a Playstation 2 to play my favorites games.My little sister is hoping that you will bring her little mermaid things. |
Hi Santa I am Felicia And I live In Perth Australia. For christmas i would like to have a Netendo DS and a netendo dogs game. I can't wait to christmas mum and dad said that they will bring me to the North Pole in Finland where you live. I can't wait to meet you From |
Dear Santa,
I know that I'm fifteen now and a lot of people say I shouldn't believe in you any more but I do so if you could just come by one last time before I forget all the happiness you left in me when I was little and we could finally meet face to face I'd be the happiest person in the world your friend,William |
to santa i have been really good this year and my sister wants some lovely presents too and so do i love from christie |
hi santa here is mine, my sister and my brothers christmas list samantha :- bike, scooter, rollerskates, sewing kit, anything to do with bratz and a mobile phone kayleigh :-disney princess stuff, princess scooter,bike and rollerskates,a mobile phone, baby born and baby benjamin kieran :-Dr who tardis, password puppy, dr who dvd's, and the dr who warewolf thanks very much santa and there will be carrots for the reindeers on christmas eve and some mince pies which we will cook for you thank you very much love samantha kayleigh and kieran |
to santa i hope and my sister get special presents luv christie |
hello santa, i think you know my name if you dont it is Savannah i wont alot of things for christmas i really wont an elatrice scooter its like a moped i wonted it last year but i didnt get it so i hope i get it and i wont an ipod very bad i hope you get those for me. i have been very good for mommy. |
Dear Santa Claus, |
hello santa.....im glad to see that christmas is returning.this year i have been trying to be as good as i could be.christmas trees are just barely out of my reach.all though christmas seems like its so far away,it worth it in the end.remember to eat all the cookies!!!!! |
Vicki |
Dear Santa, I hope you have a merry Christmas!! I will leave you a letter!! I was wondering if you could give me a ipod nano! I have been a very good girl for mummy. Love, Amyxxxooo |
hey santa I hope you come to my house | ||
Ashlyn | USA |
Hey Santa, Me and my brothers are going to mke you some cooies and cinniomon rolls. And my birthday is on that day too.Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! |
hi ya santa all i wont 4 christmas is have a new phone |
I love Christmas time. December is such a month that if Christmas didn't exist someone would have to invent it. Thank you Santa. Ho Ho Ho | ||
Gary |
Hey.Santa How are you are you ok .What i wont for Cristmas is to go to 5th grade and get smart .Say hay to Mrs. Clus love you biy. | ||
Kaitlyn | A.L | USA |
Hi santa are you tired after that bigggggggggggggggggg night out are all your reindeers ok!!! Do you no i think it was dasher who slipped is he ok just asking. We all love you loadsssssssssssss + Mrs Clause. from SOPHIE | |
sophie | England |
Hi Santa, Thank you so much for the Pass Word jounil. I aii reddy wroite on a home page. And it was about YOU. Have a nice year. Love, Tiffany. P.S. say Hi to the Grinch for me and the elvs and your wife. Bye | ||
Tiffany | IL | USA |
Dear Santa, I really like all of my preasnts. I wish I know more about you. All I know is your reindeers names. The names are Rudolph, Comet, Cupid, Dancer, Prancer, Dasher, Donner, Vixen, Blitzen. LOVE, Jazmine | ||
Jazmine | CA | USA |
I was hoping to meet Rudolph at the North Pole well any ways thats all I got to say | ||
Annalyn | CA | USA |
casey | ME | USA |
name your raindears | ||
ann | mi | USA |
Sanat I cant wait what you give me for next CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont care what you give me this CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! Sincerely Natalie | ||
natalie | WI | USA |
Dear Santa, a foreigner here is wishing a good result in my coming examnation for Master degree next month. Please bless me and bring me your wit and luck. Thank you very much. | |
Ryan | China |
dear santa clause and mrs. clause. Come visit me for christmas dinner, i will be so happy if you came, i have your favorite dessert cookies and 1 giant glass of milk for you and 1 big giant turkey for supper. love charmaine. | ||
charmaine | ojibway nation | canada |
hi santa its avery repliing and my sister wont say any thing. We cant wait to see you to night and Maya says can you wake me up because I want to see if your reall and I avery think that you are actualy rael beacause you last year gave us a clairs gift card and I hope you have a safe drive tonight santa and many merry wishs'! what i really want for christmas is a randeers bell the kind that the kid off the poler icspres thanks for reading my mesege Love : Avery & Maya. | |
maya | Canada |
TY | SD | USA |
i`ve been a good girl , hope you get my wish list love molly | ||
molly | cambridge | uk |
Hi Santa I always belive in you each year and wish you good luck on your trip. | ||
shawn | Canada |
hi santa all i realy want is to be an elf or to help my friends to belive in you. i and my 2 friend do belive in you. can you give a little somthin for my 2 friends. please! your friend ,tippy | ||
tippy | ct | USA |
Jayde | Texas | USA |
hi,santa i wish you a safe and good christmas oh can you give me presints me and my sister kianna and i beleve in you santa could i see your pictures bye santa.............. to....santa from....kreshona and kianna love you santa | ||
kreshona | guam |
Dear Santa Claus... I've been receiving presents and not knowing who they are from... did you send me those presents? And I have been very very good this year (or at least i think so..) So i would be very delighted with a few MORE gifts... don't think I'm so greedy though... love from me. P.S. Merry Christmas!! HO HO HO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||
Daisy | ON | Canada |
what are the names of the raindeers and how many are there? | ||
lauren | ca | USA |
To santa, I love u loads!!!! Please Bring us some presents. We have been good all year! but sometimes a little naughty! Lots of luv Izzy and Orlaxxxxxxxxx | ||
Izzy and Orla | England |
hi santa, elves, and Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comit, Cupid and , Donner, Blitzen but do you rea-call the most famouse reindeer of all , Rudolf the red nose reindeer! avery | ||
avery | Ontario | Canada |
santa i wud be v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v to see an elf. ilove you. love summerlyn | ||
bobby | tx | USA |
Dear Santa: I think you're very remarkable and it's so extremely kind of you to give everybody presents...by the way, i watched the shows about rudolph the red nosed reindeer these days, and how is he, and is he real?????? Love from me!!!! I like you... | ||
sarah | ON | Canada |
are you coming to morro nite | ||
James | tx | USA |
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is a GI Joe. I hope you come to my house for Christmas!
Carter (P.S. There will be milk and fudge waiting for you!) |
Carter | MN | USA |
Hi Santa mummy said i've been good all year so can i get all my presents that i have asked very nice for i hope you have a good ride going to all the houses wrap up warm bye bye santa love you loads mollie | ||
Mollie | London | England |
Dude Santa, Your the best present deliverer in the whole world. I have got some sweet presents in the last few years. Keep up the good work and bring me some good ones this year! | ||
Matt | MI | USA |
Hi Santa, I've been really good this year. How are the elves, the reindeers, and mrs Claus. Well For christmas I want a gameboy sp and the game called dogz. I have one question for you are you real. I think you are real. love Diana |
Diana | Ca | USA |
nick | MI | USA |
i want a pony. | ||
jc |
hi santa are you busy for christmas this year my family is how do you get into my house if i dont have a chimmney and if i did have a chimney how could you get down it do you hold your noes | ||
Maeghan | texas | USA |
Dear Santa, I just want to tell you that I love you lots and I think you are really kind giving presents to children, but why don't you give them to mummy and daddy as well, they like chocolates and flowers! | ||
Charlotte | London | UK |
hi santa i love you !!! | ||
Carlee | AL | USA |
Hi santa I will always belive in you no matter if I am 60 years old. I don't want to ask for anything except keeping the world blessed. Thanks for taking the time to read my letter. I love you. | ||
Myach | MI | USA |
Dear Santa, I want you to tell Mrs. Claus I said hello and your elfs also. I hope they have a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year. I've been a very good this year, I've even been good to my brother. I want a princess house a barbie ele. I want a barbie laptop and cellphone. Thanks santa hope to see you soon. | ||
Troneasha | MO | USA |
dear santa I realy want a video camra and harry potter things oh please write me a letter if you are real. | ||
kerry | rsa | South Africa |
luv u loads! i wil bliv in u 4 ever! u rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||
Chloe | London | UK |
dear santa i hope you are ok say hello to your raindeers for me and all i want for christmas is a big hug your sinserely emily | ||
emily | UK |
DEAR SANTA I been good this year can I have some toys? Santa can I have a new rabbit but can it be brown? Can you your friends thank you for the toys and befor I go Mary Chirsmas ? Thank you fome your friend Codi Mary Chirsmas and all your good night ! | ||
Codi | tx | usa |
Hi Santa, How are you? I wish for a bigger bicycle and 5 bratz dolls. I have been a good girl. I hope you have a safe trip. We will leave cookies, milk and carrots for the reindeer. love Jessica | ||
Jessica | NEW YORK | USA |
Dear Santa, I hope your fine i've been a good boy this year. I hope you bring me the karate stuido i asked for, shell shock, hot wheels and spider man figures. I want you to tell your raindeers I said hello. Save room in your tummy for the cookies and milk I am baking for you. I hope you enjoy them bye santa have a merry christmas. | ||
Arthur | MO | USA |
Hi Santa Its Emilee hear just saying hello and I can't wait for Christmas.... Bye for Now.... | ||
Emilee | N.S.W. | Australia |
DEAR SANTA, my name is Dariane and I wanted to know if you were gonna bring me some presents this year I've been really good latley and these are things I wanted a cellphone, a DVD player, a ride on your sleigh, to be a mermaid for a day, and for it to snow a lot in my state which would be Louisiana, and I want to see your elfs to get to know them, Last thing is for everyone in the world to be happy. I Love you SANTA, Later. | ||
Dariane | LA | USA |
Hi Santa. I want a pet cat. I want a bigger bike. I want a motorcycle. I hope you are ok on your big trip. lovw Wyatt | ||
Wyatt | NEW YORK | USA |
dear santa, i would like a mobile phone for christmas it would be the best so please can u give me that. thank- you if you do. merry christmas... | ||
Stephanie | melb | Australia |
I am Amy Lee's mum. She is only 4 months but I think she'll like a BIG, CUDDELY teddy!!!!!! | ||
Amy Lee | Canada |
Dear Santa, we were really good all year long, so please, please, please send us each a nice and handsome boyfriend (25-30 year old)!!! Thank you from the heart:) | ||
Ivana & Vesna | Serbia |
hi santa,can i have a mobil phone,,princess max, bop it ,optex. if you can get me all this stuff i will be very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very happy and i wont cry when my mum go on their cruis so prety please can you get me all this stuf because if you do ill be the most happyist perso to live on earth. If you just get some of the best ones i will still be a very very very very very very very very very happy parson but all i wont most is for every one in the world to be happy from now till christmas and a very long time after that. Make sure you get lots of sleep befor christmas you have got a lond night ahead bi bi santa and all your little hard working elfs | ||
lucy | England |
hola santa como estas este a‘o me he portado bien con mis papas y he sacado buenas calificaciones, te espero en mi casa querido santa | ||
Alessandra | Chiapas | Mexico |
Dear Santa: I believe in you, how are you? i hope you bring me the things that I am going to write in my letter. I hope you are fine, I Love you very Much. Alessandra |
Alessandra | Chiapas | Mexico |
chloe would like a shaker maker, erin would like a motor bike (pink please) from santa. and nicole would like a lion the witch and the wardrobe DVD......thank you santa we all love you, give your raindeers a kiss from the girls and can chloe be your helper.... | ||
chloe, erin and nicole | scotland |
Dear Santa, Tell Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Donner, Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Vixen that i said hi!!!! I have been a very good Girl!!! | ||
Allie | TX | USA |
I have just got back to sending you an email an the one I just did was blanck so you can therow that out or right on it santa! This Christmas I am going to my cousins and sleeping at there house and having breakfeast and opining presents and this weekend we are goining to Stratford . GOOD B-B-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB-------------------Y AVERY |
avery | ontario | canada |
Dear Santa, I Have Been Very Good This Year. Please Tell Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner And Blitzen That I Said Hello. I am Really Looking forward till Christmas, I Can't Wait. Merry Christmas Santa. Lots Of Hugs And Kisses Laura. | |
Laura | Ireland |
Dear Santa my brother has been good! My mom has been good! My dad has been good! I think I have been good too! I want a laptop please. Santa plase say hello to MRS.CLAUSE for me thank you. | ||
Brianna | nc | USA |
your the best santa claus!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 | ||
jamie | mi | USA |
I want to write a letter to you by paper.Can you tell me the adress of you Santa? And dont for get to stop at my place this year! | ||
Megan | ohio | usa |
Dear Santa, I want a puppy, and play princess and kind of fake ba and that cry's to and a elf doll, a makeup kit . Sincerly, BRIANNA | ||
DEAR SANTA, Are you real please tell me and all I want a button maker machine and all a's on my reaport card and a doll house with some doll's and all pet's to the petshop and a cd player and cd's and some more. Sincerly , SAVANNAH | ||
Santa Please come and see us | ||
TJ and Dillin | IN | USA |
Hi santa All I want for christmas is for my dad to get well becuase is in the hospital right now. | ||
cocorichy | USA |
I hope you, sants clause mrs. clause, your elfs, and your riendee have a holly jolly christmas this year! | ||
Katie | IN | USA |
hi i love santa | ||
edna | tx | usa |
christmas is a time to be with family. | ||
tn | usa |
hi santa i would realy like some football stuff please | ||
agassi | tx | usa |
I want to write a letter to you by paper.Can you tell me the adress of Santa? | ||
Ashton | Saskatwen | Canada |
hi santa, i love the website!! i hope to hear you or your bells on christmas eve!! merry christmas everyone!!! | ||
meredith | nj | USA |
dear santa for christmas i want somee boots and lots of other things but if im naughty dont get me anything ive been very good so far. please bring my nephew lots. love corie | ||
corie | england |
ho ho hoping you are well! and all who read this, and all who don't! | ||
seva | tn | usa |
dear santa please bring me to big presents for my mum and dad and on christmmas eve please make sure i can hear the bells and make sure everyone in the world has moe than 5 presents we luv u lots please hurrry up and get here your a star | ||
amy | england |
dear santa, I have been really good this year. Our house looks really good this year with the lights and decorations in our house. I always hear your bells when you park on our roof. I always get up so early because I am so excited to go downstairs to open my presents. love, ashlee | ||
Ashlee | CA | USA |
hey santa man whats up lol laugh out lud | ||
tazmin | ok | usa |
Is there a real Santa? | ||
Dominic | Queensland | Australia |
i would like eny thing you give me!! but all i want is every playstation 2 game!! alot of baby phat clothes and bratz stuff, and thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||
alishas | mi | usa |
I told my four boys, Tyler/9, Micheal/8, Nathan/7 and Zackary/4 that I would write to you and wish you a Merry Christmas in hopes you would help them to do the same during these hard times. | ||
Eric | TN | USA |
hello santa i would like to know the names of your raindeers all i knoww is RODOLF,DASHER and PRANCER. wots the name of the other one? luv you abi-leigh | ||
abbie-leigh | west yorkshire | UK |
hey santa what i want for christmas is a cell phone that has a camera and also i would like a digital camera and a motor scooter. beacuse i have gotten good grades and i have been a good gurl love u santa | ||
shavon | sc | usa |
dear santa, i always wounder if u are real. but i already know you are. well i love christmas beacause my birthday is right after christmas!! well i love you santa | ||
hannah | sc | usa |
Ah, in all this world there is nothing else as real and abiding. No Santa Claus? Thank God he lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!! |
Snake | OK | USA |
dear santa I am happy to meet you I want only 5 things can I tell you of course I can case your nice so I will 1.saprises 2.sprise 3a big stuffted santa 4.bartzbed set5.3moregirlsaprises | ||
danielle | mi | USA |
Hello Santa; I am 3 years old and I have been a good girl this year. I would like to get a nice doll for Christmas.I will leave some cookies out for you. Love, Sami | ||
samantha | ca | USA |
hi santa its jade. i want a vido camra a chat now and a lap top. i think it os so neat. email me back and say hi. bye | ||
jade | PA | USA |
hey, its kiki i hope that u give my friend georgia a big hug and i hope that you have a happy christmas 2. | ||
kiki | WA | Australia |
Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is world peace. I love Christmas :) |
Jazmin | CA | USA |
I would like you to anwser some questions for me 1.are you real? 2.how do you get round the whole world in one night? 3.what are your elfs names. | ||
Ellie | UK | England |
Dear Santa hope you have a great Christmas. hoope you and your wife are well. | ||
Malcolm | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Hello, Santa I just wanted to ask you something. I wanted to ask you if you're real, because I don't think you are, but nearly every one I now says you are. Please can you reply back to me and anser these questions. please. From chloexxx |
Chloe | UK | England |
hi santa its brittney.
how r u? well i love christmas and enjoy all
the happiness that i have.i sent u a letter
did u know that? well i got to go now love
from brittney
p.s i will always love xmas |
brittney | australia |
All I want for christmas is happiness and kindness around the world! | ||
Kristin | KS | USA |
Am 55 and I belive! | ||
James | TX | USA |
hi santa! this year [2005] I want one of your magic elfs my friend has one well,actuly two she also has your boot to! I even made a house for them to live in with two beds, table, 2 chairs, and many decorations and i want a horse poster please and thank you's! P.S. are any of your girl riendeer having babies? will you let me see one! BYE!!!!! | ||
Madison | IN | USA |
santa all i want for christmas is a laptop. | ||
kim | GA | USA |
Dear Santa, All i want for Christmas is a Gamecube and some games with it And a new pro skateboard. Thanks..... | ||
Justin | LA | USA |
Ryan | IL | USA |
Dear Santa, This year will you bring me a trampluine and some cds? I love you! I never know that you had to go asround the world in one night? Did you know that on my report card I got A and B witch is relly good my mom said. How are the Raindeer doing or the elfs and how is Mrs.Clause? I hope no body gets sick. Love, Nicole ps.Thanks for Bringing everything I aksed for for the last past Christmas! pps.Take Care!!!!!!! |
Nicole | OH | USA |
hi santa my sister and I are very busy like you and you're elfs we have 3 jobs and just for you to know and to tell the truth my sister and I got in a litle fight yesterday | ||
sammy and maddy | IL | USA |
I want a xbox for christmas | ||
Hi Santa. Danielle and Brandon here and we have a few questions we would like you to answer: Question 1: how many elves do you have working in your workshop? Question 2: Have you ever been on a fleight with your reindeers and they went out of control? Tonight (xmas eve) make sure you get a good nights sleep and tell your elves that they have done a good job making all the toys we asked for over the past 10 and 7 years me and my brother have lived. All our thanks and love Danielle age 10 amd Brandon age 7!!!!!!!! | ||
Danielle and Brandon | Manchester | England |
hi santa i want a motor scooter plz and i want a good holiday. | ||
mohamed | danville, CA | USA |
Dear Santa, Thank you for the wonderful gifts last year.I loved them. Merry Christmas! I will leave out the coockies and milk for you again tonight. I hope rudolph likes carrots. i look forward to seeing all the things under my tree tomorrow. I hope you have a good flight and a new year! love,Danny | ||
Danny | Littleton, CO | USA |
hello may i please have a dog | ||
Zane | Dawson Creek | Canada |
dear santa i wanna say keep rocking and i like the familie diner with christmas xxx lindy | ||
lindy | Holland |
Hi santa you know what I want for Christmas.I am just reminding you thats what I want. | ||
Jasmine | Chicago, IL | USA |
hey santa, i have been the best boy this year. santa will u bring me a tv and a vinilla milkshake im kinda thirsty. santa i love u and hope roodollf comes to my placer ill feed him cookie and crakcers all the time love the best boy dustin |
dustin | ME | USA |
Hey, santa how you doing over there, in the north pole. I know its type chilly, because its freezing over here. So, i hope everythings going fin over there because it is over here. Oh and i hope you checking your list twice like it says in the song. but anyways im not being naughty but nice to everybody around. and you know something im really getting into the christmas spirit, ive been jolly, so i hope my name is on your Christmas list. so bye hope you have a good one and tell ms.claus,and all the reindeers, oh and i didnt forget the elfs (u know there really helpful) but anyways tell them i said hi and HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! | ||
Abby | new york, ny | usa |
hi santa i love you, your the best!! i would love a new laptop 4 christmas!! YOU ROCK SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||
Sinead | Northern Ireland |
Hey Santa, just want to wish u a Merry Christmas! | ||
Leah | Orlando, FL | USA |
dear santa, may i please have my own elf. i`ve been pretty nice this year. my brother jordan wants one too please give him one too. love, Genna&Jordan | ||
Genna | pa | usa |
I have been a very good boy this year, as I always am. This year for Christmas I want a few things like: 1.juicebox to view my favirote shows, digtial pictures, and listen to my favirote music like Toby Keith. 2.game boy sp to play on the go and games to go with it. The other thing I want it for my big bubba and my littile bubba to get what they what. And for all my family to have happiness through the holidays. So Santa when you leave me stuff I will have you milk and cookies waiting and apples for Roodolf. So you have a safe trip and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. with lots of love, dalton |
hey santa !!! all i want for crimbo is t9 carl and all jade wants is tibsta init love ya leanne j n jade b init xxxxxxxxxxxx | ||
leanne | engalnd | uk |
Joy!!! | ||
Jibbet | Overland, MO | USA |
Dear Santa I have been really good this year I would like my brother to get a new ps2 | ||
I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas and I hope you have a good flight around the world! (Please make sure put your seat belt on!) Please send me a new CD Player for Christmas. I really need one! | ||
Lauren | Lynchburg, VA | USA |
Dear Santa,my family and I hope to see you agian this year. I remember I saw you last year at my grandma Martha's house. One other year I saw you in the apartment I lived in. This year I have a present for your tree at the North pole. Thank you. Love Jenna. P.S.I'll bake chocklet chip cookies and leave milk. | ||
Jenna | Lincoln, Ne | USA |
i whot a dog game ps3 and i whot a lot of toys | ||
roy | dallas, texas | usa |
Hi Santa how are you, i am fine so you don't need to worry.I think it's not fair because you, elfs, raindeers and also Mrs Claus never ever get a break from making all the toys for the little children. But when you land at my house there will be a special treat for you, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Vixen, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph. Oh and Santa C could please get a present for my family. P.S. merry christmas to all of you x x x x love from Caitlin x x x x x | ||
Caitlin | Kilmarnock | Scotland |
Dear Santa,want the bug.Thank you | ||
Antonio | Sao Paulo | Brazil |
I want batman and a joker for christams. I have been good boy. | ||
kyle | deerfield, fl | usa |
i would really like a bionicle and a dragons set |
neil | Guelph | Canada |
santa i would want a dress up set with makeup and a big surprise and a my little pony | ||
neha | Guelph | Canada |
Santa, I do not know what to belive anymore. Are you real?, please tell me. I miss you and really want to belive in you but it is hard because I do not know what to belive anymore,..... Please tell me. | ||
Emily | Midland | Canada |
Hi!!!!!!!!!! i hear it's ah pretty cold in the north pole. so eat soup and stuff but not to much you don't want mrs.claus to have to make another suit it would be horrible. So a I've been really good this year and plain to be for a long time so could i PLEASE have a puppy and other gadgets and do-dads.That's all have a good christmas and a happy new year and ahh tell ruldoph that he should wax his nose so bye santa tell mrs.claus i said bye.PS: How do u grow a beard that long? | ||
Sponge | PA | USA |
Hello santa! I was wondering if me and my sister Corinne could each have our own elf? We really want one! Well see you on Christmas! Love, Marie
P.S remember our family is going to Penn. so make sure you get us! bye!!!!! |
Marie | GA | USA |
Hi. Was wondering if I can have a new 2004 GMC Truck. | ||
Eric | Casey, IL | USA |
How do I become an elf? I love you! Becca* | |
Rebecca | USA |
good mroinig santa, you rock | |
lindsey | nc |
Santa thank you for the toys 2004. They're really pretty. I hope you enjoyed my cookies and milk, usually you don't. I use to only have only 2 dolls now I have 8! Anyways next year I can't wait! | ||
Rosemarie | ||
Miami, FL | USA | 12/28/2003 8:00:54 PM |
to santa; next YEAR I want a pratend huver and a cleaning set THANK YOU - LAUREN. | ||
London | 12/26/2003 10:26:37 PM |
Hi Santa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you've had a wonderful year!!!!!!! i know i havent been all that good, but my family has. My little sister Elise wants the chicaboomboom box, $10 certificate to Claire's. my little brother wants a wrist watch walkie talkie. My older brother wants AC/DC CD's, my mother wants something useful, and my dad probably wants something on buisness. Please make them have a Merry Merry christmas, and don't let Comet eat too many cruch chocolates.P.S. and if im good next year, could i get an IPod in 2004? | ||
Celeste | ||
Seattle | WA | 12/26/2003 10:25:02 PM |
Dear Santa, See you tonight. Will you give me a motor scooter? Hope you bring lots of toys. | |
Chris, Elijah, Isaiah | 12/26/2003 10:23:02 PM |
hi santa!! i love you!!! thanks for bringing me all the things that I've been asking for since i was like 3 years old. ok i have to go, but say hi to Mrs. Clause, your reindeer and the elves. love you, jennie | ||
jennie | ||
Va Beach | USA | 12/23/2003 7:02:05 AM |
HaHaHa i love you santa i wish i could be you one day hohoho | ||
Erin | ||
Langhorne | USA | 12/23/2003 7:00:57 AM |
dear santa; this is what i like for christmas new clothes cheetah girls soudtrackabratz bookbag playstation2 playstation 2games fiding nemo freaky friday dvdlocker organizer | |
Andrew | 12/23/2003 7:00:01 AM |
Hi santa!!!!!!!! I didin't know that i will end up on this web site......i thought that i would probably end up on the Movie the santa claus! how are you? how are the elves? how is mrs.claus? how is rudoph? how is dasher? how dancer? how is prancer? how is vixon? how is comet? how is cupid? how is donnor? how is blizten? AHHHHHH i can't belive it's SOOOOOOOOOOOO close to christmas!!!!! my sister i think wants a barbie mix and magic kitchen, a skateboard, real walkie talkie's.....and i will tell you three thing's i would like.....a gameboy advanced, please with the game harvest moon, and the movie 'Sinbad' and don't forget to leave some stuff for my cat!!!!!!!!! LUV U LOTS SANTA CLAUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sincerly,Gabrielle p.s. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!! | |
Gabrielle | 12/21/2003 9:27:49 PM |
Dear Santa, I hope that you will bring my nephew, Jacob, a very merry first Christmas. His house was broken into on Monday. Please see that all of his holidays to come will be merry and bright. Thank you, Jessica | |
Jessica | 12/21/2003 9:24:36 PM |
DEAR SANTA,how are you how old are you santa claus wheres mrs claus | |
Hugo | 12/21/2003 9:21:44 PM |
Dear Santa, How are you, Mrs. Claus, the elves, & the reindeer doing? I hope fine. I am doing fine. On Christmas Eve I will leave you some cookies and milk, I will leave the reindeer some carrots and I will leave the elves some cookies to. What am I getting for Christmas? Tell everyone I said hi. Love, Vanessa | |
Vanessa | 12/21/2003 9:19:40 PM |
Dear Santa, You've probably already got my letter, but there's still 2 more gifts I want; 1 is for a Bruce Almighty DVD; And 2 is kind of big, I want all of the world to believe. From, Keegan | |
Keegan | 12/21/2003 9:17:04 PM |
Just wanted to see what the e-mail would be like! I've been good! | |
Sarah - USA | 12/21/2003 9:15:00 PM |
Hi santa your the best please bring me lots and lots of presents!!!!! | ||
Katrina | ||
Salem | IL | 12/21/2003 9:12:44 PM |
Santa Rules | ||
Justin | ||
Kemptville | Ontario - Canada | 12/18/2003 8:29:02 AM |
Santa Rocks! | ||
Kristopher | ||
Conyers | GA - USA | 2/15/2003 9:03:53 PM |
Hi Santa!!! | ||
Amanda | ||
Oak Ridge | NC - USA | 12/15/2003 9:02:30 PM |
You Are super cool Santa. Love, Bailey | ||
Bailey | ||
Rome | NY - USA | 12/7/2003 8:31:41 PM |
Dear Santa, I really Love you!! Love From Amandy | ||
Amandy | ||
Rutherford | Australia | 12/5/2003 10:38:13 PM |
Hey Santa, i would like to say hello 2 all my friends at Dromore High School and wish u a MERRY CHRISTMAS :-) | ||
Ashton | ||
Belfast | Northern Ireland | 12/3/2003 9:04:39 AM |
Hi! I love you, Santa. Merry Christmas! See ya soon. Krissy | ||
Krissy | ||
Tempe | AZ - USA | 11/28/2003 8:42:32 AM |
HI SANTA!! you rock! | ||
kaitlin | ||
truckee | california - united states | 11/23/2003 5:27:11 PM |
hi santa hi hi hi i had to much sugar all i want for x-mas is to be an elf and i no u can do that cuz u can do anything cuz ur the bestest person eva i love u bye | ||
jordan | ||
brampton | canada | 11/18/2003 9:59:23 AM |
Merry Christmas Santa!!! | ||
Dion | ||
eal Cove, White Bay | Newfoundland - Canada | 11/16/2003 7:18:25 AM |
Dear Santa I know you are real. You are everywhere every day in our hearts.God bless you for the joy you bring to the many on christmas day!........ | ||
Norman | ||
East Moriches | NY - USA | 10/23/2003 7:13:15 AM |
Santa, all i want for chirstmas is for all my prayers to be answered and wish all the children in the world happiness and much love from thier loved ones... i also wish for all people to feel for each other from their hearts and love one another... aho | ||
Pearli | ||
Dine' Nation (Kaibeto) | Arizona - The Great USA | 10/9/2003 1:38:05 PM |
ODESSA | MO - USA | 10/5/2003 8:27:33 AM |
I luv you, Santa. Please leave me some roots and leaves in my stocking this Christmas. I'll leave some grass for the 'Six White Boomers'. | ||
Wombat | ||
Camden | NSW - Australia | 10/3/2003 10:24:09 AM |
U are so cool Santa | ||
Tonya | ||
Concord | Florida - USA | 9/6/2003 3:30:55 PM |
samuel | ||
warrensburg | MISSOURI | 7/20/2003 1:48:11 PM |
Hi santa | ||
*Ashey* | ||
Chacogo | Ilinoi - America | 7/10/2003 11:54:23 AM |
I just want to tell u that I'd like a bike that I can ride. | ||
Dawn | ||
White Castle | Louisiana - USA | 7/9/2003 8:10:55 PM |
Hi santa just to let you know that I love you. | ||
Emily | ||
white castle | Louisiana - USA | 7/9/2003 8:09:09 PM |
i would love to be your elf can you pick me up tomarrow so i can be your elf. | ||
amber | ||
new castle | delaware - united states | 5/19/2003 8:03:01 AM |
You Rule Santa | ||
Morgan | ||
Windsor | Ontario - Canada | 3/18/2003 5:05:16 PM |
That granddaddy gets better. And I want Miranda stuff. | ||
gabrielle | ||
morristown | tennessee - usa | 3/9/2003 6:52:36 AM |
Dear santaWhen can I Be a elf? I love you And everything you do!!!!!!!!!! I love you the most! allthoe you didn't send me a letter even I was good this year!!!!!! | ||
Gemma | ||
Liberton | Edinburgh - Scotland | 1/12/2003 9:19:23 AM |
dear santa claus 2 i love you | ||
JADEboY | ||
Warrensburg | MO - USA | 1/8/2003 6:52:57 AM |
i love you santa!!!!!!!!! merry christmas!!HO HO HO!! | ||
meghan | ||
cedar springs | michigan - usa | 12/24/2002 5:37:22 PM |
Dear santa,all i want for christmas is either a yugi or kaiba starters dueling deck! | ||
Juliana | ||
Elmhurst | NY - USA | 12/24/2002 12:20:12 PM |
I can't wait for you to come to me tonight and my brothers. Happy Christmas santa! | ||
Eoghan | ||
Cork | Ireland | 12/24/2002 8:23:30 AM |
all i want for christmas is a new truck.... | ||
nick | ||
crain | ca - usa | 12/23/2002 8:43:49 AM |
Dear Santa Merry xmas All i really want for xmasis you to be well & a Karaoke machine. | ||
Gemma | ||
Edinburgh | Scotland | 12/23/2002 4:01:08 AM |
Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is for my family to be happy; Mom to fell better, Daddy to be home on X-Mas, and my brothers to stop fighting. That's my Christmas wish, ThankYou Santa! | ||
Cortney | ||
Warwick | Rhode Island | 12/22/2002 6:40:44 AM |
dearSanta all i realy want for xmasis to be a elf & you to be safe. | ||
Gemma | ||
Edinburgh | Scotland | 12/21/2002 10:01:43 AM |
Brian | ||
Milwaukee | Wisconsin - U.S.A. | 12/20/2002 6:06:19 PM |
david | ||
Milwaukee | Wisconsin - U.S.A. | 12/20/2002 6:02:35 PM |
Dear Santa, All I really want for Christmas is a digital camera, and a snow board, and mabe a computer, And all of my family members and friends to get what they want. Thanks | ||
Marlena | ||
Wilmington | DE - U.S.A. | 12/20/2002 1:56:20 PM |
Am I on the naughty list? | ||
Patrick | ||
sharon | pa - united states | 12/20/2002 1:07:58 PM |
My friends and I have been very good this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||
Emily | ||
Bleckley County | Georgia - U.S.A. | 12/20/2002 8:54:59 AM |
Cool Busy Fast Lovely person & lovely Raindeers | ||
Gemma | ||
Edinburgh | Scotland | 12/19/2002 10:35:28 AM |
you are so nice and cool | ||
Paige | ||
ashdenfied | NSA - AUSTRALIA | 12/16/2002 2:36:39 AM |
anta you are so cool from tiaha | ||
Tiaha | ||
Waratah | NSW - AUSTRALIA | 12/16/2002 2:32:29 AM |
hi santa | ||
Sarah | ||
Riverside | California - usa | 12/14/2002 7:59:17 PM |
Santa when you come pick me up this year I would love to play football with the elfs. Love Matthew age 5 | ||
Matthew | ||
St.Louis | Missouri - USA | 12/12/2002 5:36:45 PM |
DEAR santaI would like the the yu-gi-oh collectors tinsthat don't have the Lord of the D. | ||
Chris | ||
TO | CA - US | 12/12/2002 1:38:23 PM |
santa i would like to have my own camping gear and much more thank you | ||
ben | ||
bendigo | victoria - australia | 12/11/2002 2:27:44 PM |
Dear Santa I have been realy good this year. I would like to have the Beuty and the Beast doll {the Beauty and the Beast doll I would like is the Beast}. | ||
Morganne | ||
Ottawa | KS - US | 12/10/2002 5:42:00 PM |
Santa; How are the reindeer? Is Rudolph coming with you this year? Is Mrs Claus fat to? I will leave you milk and cookies like last year. Don't forget my drum set. | ||
Billy | ||
Taborville | USA | 12/9/2002 7:31:59 PM |
Dear Santa;I have been real good this year. I would like to have a toy truck and some rest for my mom.Thanks | ||
Freddy | ||
Abbyville | USA | 12/9/2002 5:40:29 PM |
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